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Reason: Look, I'll put this bluntly: because you kids are literally committing crimes with this website and making me look like an bumbling idiot. You should be ashamed of yourself. Seriously. Like come on, give us a chance! We just want to keep kids safe. If we didn't exist, every single one of you all would immediately hack into the dark web and starting downloading drugs in bulk and torrenting every movie out there onto your puny Macbook's hard drive. But then you come in with your ultra mega anything-bypasser L33T-H4XOR unsafe-search remote desktop, and how do you think we're supposed to feel? You know just how bad we look when we get outsmarted by a few random high school kids??? You know hard this job is? Every single freaking day, kids find ways around us: archive.org and Google Translate and Google Webcache and archive.is and proxy servers and VPNs and VPN extensions and weird inspect element hacks and DNS-breaking command line flags and packet obfuscation techniques to subvert deep packet inspection and then Tor and HTTP-IPFS-HTTP proxies (like what kind of clinically insane person makes an atrocity like that unless their only purpose is to bypass filters????). Stop hacking, kids! It's what criminals do and you don't want to grow up being the FBI's most wanted cybercriminal with your ugly face plastered on all the posters. Don't listen to people claiming to be "good guy hackers", that only exists in movies. Linus Torvalds is not a "good guy hacker", he's a criminal who created an OS just to defund and destroy a perfectly innocent company called Microsoft. All hackers are just evil cybercriminals that deserve to be repeatedly executed while they bodies char in heaven. Stop trying to be a hacker, OK? Like please, just give us a break. Just give us one day where we don't have to deal with this nonsense. Seriously, why do you kids even want to waste your time downloading drugs during class? Aren't you going to fail all your classes? Come on, just stop! I know we'll always be outsmarted, but just let us win for a while, please? Just one day? Please???? Since this essay is getting too long, please read the rest here. Please just do it!
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